Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

This year, hundreds of people celebrated the Seder night with Chabad in Moldova, while on Pesach itself, services at the Great Synagogue on Chabad Street in Kishinev were well attended by older and younger worshippers.

After the women lit the Chanukah candles, everyone attended the evening services before sitting down for the traditional Seder. The community Seder was held in the Capital Luxe hall. Hundreds of Jews from all backgrounds and ages participated in the Seder. During the course of the evening everyone ate matzos and drank the high-quality kosher wine produced in Moldova under the supervision of Chief Rabbi Zalman Abelsky.

Children from the Kishinev branch of Tzivos Hashem sang the traditional Mah Nishtanah, the Four Questions, receiving much applause from the assembled crowd. Students and young Chabad emissaries sang Chabad melodies throughout the evening, contributing to the joyful atmosphere. The food, which was of the highest standards of kashrus, was excellent, and the Seder was a very meaningful experience for everyone who was there.

Later on, on the last day of Pesach, a “Moshiach Seudah” was held in Kishinev’s Great Synagogue. Dozens of friends and supporters of Chabad, including many entrepreneurs, followed the custom of drinking four cups of wine and eating matza on the last day of Pesach in order to prepare for and greet the Final Redemption.

Among those present were Alexander Belinkis, one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Moldova, Chabad supporter Simcha Weinberg, Zelig Kleinerman, Shabtai Chanocheyev, leader of the Caucasian and Bucharan Jewish community in Kishinev, Yitzchak Weinberg, and other distinguished figures. Many Israeli students currently attending the city’s medical school were also present.

Chabad and the Federation of Jewish Communities in Moldova would like to express their deepest appreciation to Ezras Achim, run by Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, in Israel and abroad for its generous assistance with Pesach activities this year.

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